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Thoughts on Some Top Teams in College Football

Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing? And one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father. But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows. Matthew 10:29-31

From what I have seen so far, three teams have separated themselves from the rest of the pack in college football. Those teams are Georgia, Texas and Ohio State. I'm not sure what order these teams are in. Georgia plays Texas in October, and I'm looking forward to that one.

Ole Miss has outscored their two opponents 128 to 3. You might think that's not too impressive since the opponents were Furman and Middle Tennessee State, but when you score 128 points in two games, you've got some serious offense!

Tennessee looks good. They put a 51-10 whipping on NC State in Charlotte. I like what I see from their young quarterback.

Nebraska is not going to challenge the top teams, but they have an improving team. For old times' sake, I'd like to see Nebraska return to their glory days. For a period of time in the 1970's and 1980's the biggest college football game of the regular season was often Oklahoma vs. Nebraska.

Michigan has fallen off a notch or two. They lost to Texas. I expected that, but I didn't expect them to get whipped like they did. They play Southern Cal in a week, so we will learn more then.

Notre Dame suffered the upset of the season by losing at home to Northern Illinois.

We need to learn more about LSU and Clemson. They might be pretty good, but both look a little off from past years.

Finally, on paper, Oregon would seem to be a top 5 team, but they haven't shown it yet with them barely beating Idaho and Boise State.

The variability makes the games a lot of fun to watch!

May God always be your number 1 draft pick!

Draftman Rick

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