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Prediction of 2024 ACC Football Standings

Verse for today...

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Summer is about over. It's time to crank up a NEW football season!

Who will win the ACC this year? Well, they can play the games, or... I could just tell you, LOL!

The conference will likely be decided when Clemson visits Florida State. Florida State has a lot of talent but has a bit of a shaky quarterback situation in my opinion. So, does Clemson have a quarterback edge? It depends on which version of Cade Klubnik shows up. He can be pretty good, or he can be pretty bad. If the good version shows up, Clemson can win the game. I expect a close game, but you have to give the home team the edge at least until Klubnik proves he can be better on the road with his decision making than he has been.

I think NC State will do well again this year. Miami is predicted by the media to finish third this year, but when are the media going to learn their lesson when it comes to picking the Hurricanes to finish at or near the top of the ACC? Count me in the camp of "I'll have to see it to believe it!"

Here are my predictions.

1 - Florida State - They will try to keep the momentum built from last year.

2 - Clemson - They can almost just roll the ball out and beat most of the ACC teams.

3 - NC State - Very solid defensively. If they get good QB play, watch out.

4 - Virginia Tech - This is my surprise team. They are on the rise.

5 - Miami (Fla) - I think I might have them a little high. Prove your hype!

6 - Louisville - Cardinals are almost always pretty good.

7 - SMU - Respectable finish for a new ACC team

8 - Georgia Tech - Win some, lose some

9 - North Carolina - I see a pullback this year due to lack of defense and iffy QB situation.

10 - California - A lot of miles to cover to play the games.

11 - Duke - I see a bit of a decline this year for the Blue Devils.

12 - Pittsburgh - This team could finish a little higher. They are a hard team to figure out.

13 - Syracuse - This team is usually good for one upset per year... but that's about it.

14 - Boston College - Head coach left for the NFL. Not good.

15 - Wake Forest - I want to put this team higher, but I see too many question marks.

16 - Virginia - Cavs were bad last year, and I don't see much improvement.

17 - Stanford - If you could roll back the clock about 10 years, they would be WAY up there.

So, there you have it. On second thought, maybe they should play the games... just to be sure!

May God always be your number 1 draft pick!

Draftman Rick

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